Transplanting Repotting
Step by step:
Winter has finally left us for the season, and as the world begins to come to life around us we want to get out and enjoy the wonderful weather. After getting the garden ready and the seeds planted out you will want to plant out the seedlings of what ever you needed a jump start on. Maybe your season does not have enough time or you are trying to get an early crop in. Whatever your reasoning as time passes it will come time to put out you seedling starts, in the garden or if your container gardening a larger permanent pot.
Getting Started !
Are you plants ready to pot up?
As the plants grow how do you know if your plants are ready to transplant.
Using 2/3 Rule
If the pot the plant is growing in is two thirds full of roots it is time to pot it up.
So how do you repot ?
First you will need to decide what its going to move into.
Larger pot - If so you will need to pick out your pot
Out in the garden -is your spot ready to go
Second you will have to consider if the plant is hardened off, if it’s going outside it will need to be.
Third soil preparation both need proper soil to allow the plant to prosper
Fourth some water will be necessary
Now if you have what you need let’s get started.
Grab your plant that needs to be potted up. Head outside. Either to the garden or to a place you can spill a little soil and it wont matter.
If your using a pot fill new pot partially with soil. Remember the root ball will need to fit in the pot. If your putting it in the garden dig a hole larger than the root ball, in order to loosen the surrounding soil for the roots.
Now pick up your plant and gently pull off container as to not damage the plant or rip the roots once its removed from container you will want to role the root ball between your hands to loosen bound roots.
Pour a little water in hole or pot.
Place the roots in the hole in ground or new pot and fill gradually with soil. until you reach the area of the plant with no roots and stop.
Now tamp soil around plant to remove any pockets of air and if in the garden create a small moat around the plant to collect water for the plant when it rains.
Now its time to water plant the remove any air and help plant adjust.
Beware :
Plants may look a little worst for ware for a few days as they adjust to the shock of being up rooted. This will pass.
Now you have successfully transplanted your plant repeat for as many plants as you need.
Suggestion if you are using a pot and are not able to get outside, maybe its raining. You can use a catch container or lay down a drop cloth to minimizethe mess if you have a floor that can be swept that would be ideal.